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Week 24

Friday, August 8, 2014

Burlap and Babies | 24 weeks baby bump

How far along? 24 weeks

Maternity clothes: For sure! Wandered the outlet malls for 2 hours this week and didn't find anything but hoping to find an evening in the next week to go find some good maternity clothes.

Sleep: Been rough lately. Keep waking up on my back and then have a hard time falling back asleep because it hurts.

Food cravings:  None

Nausea: Felt like I needed to eat quite a bit this past weekend or else I would get nauseous but not too bad
Symptoms: Have swollen ankles today but I overdid it yesterday and it's been hot.

Total weight gain: About 14 pounds so far.

Movement: More and more every day! Much more active in the evening. Mr g felt babe for the first time this weekend and it was awesome!

Gender: Still a girl! If you missed our gender reveal post, you can read all about it HERE.

Labor Signs: Been getting Braxton-Hicks every few days which is fun (for now!).

Belly button in or out? In but seems to be getting less deep.

Wedding ring on or off? On

Happy or moody: Happy. Tired but happy.

Best moment this week: Mr G getting to feel babe!

Looking forward to: Half marathon coming up in two weeks. Should be super fun! Especially 26 weeks prego! 


  1. I'm so glad to hear you've gained 14 pounds! That's where I'm at too and I thought it was so much! So many other bloggers say they gain a total of 15ish total and I felt like a fatso.

    1. I know!! When I gained 7 pounds in one week about a month ago I knew I was in trouble. Starting in the obese category though I only have 11-20 pounds I'm "allowed" to gain so I'm getting a little nervous. Really trying to do better with my diet and exercise now. Glad I'm not alone though!!

  2. Congratulations! How sweet. I'm stopping by from the bloghop to say hi. I hope you & the little bean have had a great weekend.

  3. Good morning Amanda! I love your bump date pictures! I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Leibster award over on my blog this morning, you can check out my post here: http://www.melaniegetsmarried.blogspot.com/2014/08/leibster-award.html

    1. Aw that was so sweet of you! Thanks Melanie! I'll jump on over and take a look.


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