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Liebster Award Nomination

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A few days ago I was nominated for a Liebster Award by the fabulous Melanie over at Melanie Gets Married. I had never heard about this award until she commented on one of my posts but I love it! I love blogging and writing about my passions but sometimes it gets tiring wondering does anyone really read what I write. Is there any point? But when I wake up in the morning and have new comments or emails from readers I'm reminded of why I do it.

So here I am to share a little bit more about me and then encourage some other lovely bloggy friends to do so too. This award is dedicated to bloggers who have less than 200 followers or less who are just getting started. Hopefully you'll jump over to their page and follow along on their journey too.

The rules for me and the ladies I've nominated below...
  1. You have to link back to the person that nominated you.
  2. You must answer 11 questions given to you by the person that nominated you.
  3. After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers (or 9 in my case) with under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice.
  4. You must not nominate the person who nominated you.
  5. You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it.

Now on for my questions...

1) Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging in December 2012 after the realization that I no longer had homework to do in the evenings and wanted something productive to do in my evenings rather than just sitting on my butt watching tv. Plus, I love reading other people's blogs so I figured what the heck?! why can't I do that too?!

2) What is your favorite project that you have made since blogging or what is your favorite blog post?
I am really proud of my Gender Reveal party from last month. It was so much fun planning all the little details and documenting it all so one day little one will be able to read all about it. 

3) What is your favorite room in your home?
The nursery. I have a blank slate to make it what I want since we knew moving in that it would be the nursery so just kept it empty. I could sit in there for hours just dreaming about our future and how many memories we will be making in that room in a few short months.

4) What is your favorite holiday? Why? 
Christmas! I love Christmas and the season surrounding it. People are just generally more happy and giving and loving. Besides, who doesn't love singing Christmas carols and driving around looking at Christmas lights while drinking hot chocolate and sucking on candy canes. I could seriously listen to Christmas music all year long if mr g would let me.

5) If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I wouldn't move. Our families are here in Oregon. This is our home. We are an hour and a half from the beach. An hour and a half to the mountain. An hour and a half from beautiful hiking trails with many waterfalls. And have a plethora of activities to do any night of the week in town. I wouldn't change it for anything.

6) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Tough question! In my ideal world, 5 years from now I will be a stay-at-home mommy with two kids and one on the way writing this blog on a more regular basis and bringing in a small income to help provide for our family doing something I love.

7) What is something you would like to learn to do really well?
Sew. I have made curtains for almost every room in our home now, have reupholstered some chairs, and am currently working on a quilt for the little one but I feel like there is still so much more I can learn!

8) What are some of your favorite books you've read lately?
Hmmm. I used to be a major reader but haven't sat down and read an entire book in probably a year. I'm a blog reader though and right now I love reading Birth Without Fear.

9) What is your favorite thing to spend money on?
I am super cheap and hate spending money. But if I was given money and told to spend it on something fun for me I would probably go crazy in Michael's or the home decor section at Target.

10) What are three of your favorite online shopping websites?
Amazon...you can find anything on there. Groupon...because of course I love a good deal! And Pick Your Plum.

11) What inspires you?
What a loaded question! To condense all the thoughts running through my head I would say things or people who make me happy. Whether that be a new color combination, my husband, a pillow I see at Target, something I come across on pinterest, a newborn baby, or really anything that puts a smile on my face.

And now it's your turn!! Here are nine fantastic ladies that I have had fun discovering over the last few days or weeks or months. So go check them out and follow along on their journey! I'm sure you will love them as much as I do!

Crazily Normal
Table for Two, Please
The Kolb Corner
Live & Learn: The Seibert Way 
The Honeycomb Home
Love the Here and Now
Whispering Loudly

The Questions for My Nominees
1. How did you pick your blog’s name?
2. Which blogger would you most like to meet and why?
3. What is your favorite season of the year?
4. Where is your happy place when you just need to get away and have some time to yourself?
5. What was your most favorite vacation?
6. What is your most prized possession?
7. What’s your favorite recipe you make?
8. Which blog can you not get enough of?
9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
10. You randomly have 4 hours of free time to do what you want, what do you do?
11. What is your favorite project that you have made since blogging or what is your favorite blog post?

Have fun and don't forget to tag me back so I can read all your responses! Thanks again Melanie for nominating me!


  1. Aw so sweet! Thanks for the nomination! This is so fun :) Loved learning a little more about you!

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination! It's nice getting to know you more. Have a great weekend!


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